48 West Founder Leigh Dow Named to NSBA Leadership Council
PHOENIX, Ariz., Oct. 8, 2020 – 48 West Agency CEO, Leigh Dow, was recently named to the National Small Business Association (NSBA) Leadership Council. NSBA is the nation’s oldest small-business advocacy organization and operates on a staunchly nonpartisan basis. Dow, a recognized leader in the small-business community, joins the NSBA Leadership Council alongside other small-business advocates from across the country as they work to promote the interests of small business to policymakers in Washington, D.C.
The NSBA Leadership Council is a select group of small-business activists who have a desire to improve America’s small-business community by advocating on behalf of NSBA’s small-business members with Congress, the administration, and the media. “As a small-business owner, I see daily how small businesses are navigating an unprecedented year. My previous work in government affairs taught me how important it is for the small-business community to stay connected to their legislators. It is important to be involved and active when it comes to laws and regulation,” stated Dow. “Joining NSBA’s Leadership Council will give me a platform to take the collective small-business message to those that need to hear it most: Congress.”
With 25 years of both Fortune 500 and small business experience, Dow has founded two successful marketing and public relations agencies that tenaciously provide clients with creative PR, marketing and communications strategies. She is an experienced information architect with a reputation for designing marketing and publicity strategies that deliver significant results. She has received numerous accolades for her leadership, entrepreneurship and community involvement and is a 2018, 2019 and 2020 Business Journal Mentor, a Phoenix Business Journal Leadership Trust member, and a Phoenix Business Journal 2018 Outstanding Women in Business honoree. Most recently, she was name as one of the Phoenix Business Journal's 2020 Most Admired Leaders.
Dow joined the NSBA Leadership Council as part of her efforts to step up involvement in tackling the many critical issues facing small business, including tax reform, regulatory restraint, health care costs and how the Affordable Care Act will impact small business. The NSBA Leadership Council is focused on providing valuable networking between small-business advocates from across the country while ensuring small business a seat at the table as Congress and regulators take up key small-business proposals.
“I am proud to have Leigh as part of our Leadership Council,” stated NSBA President and CEO Todd McCracken. “She came to us highly recommended and I look forward our coordinated efforts for years to come.”
For more on the NSBA Leadership Council, please visit www.nsba.biz
48 West Agency (48W) is an award-winning, full-service agency providing creative solutions to your toughest marketing and public relations challenges. At 48 West, you will find senior executives with Fortune 100 experience leading strategy development that delivers revenue generation. Our teams understand the multi-layered world of global marketing, reputation management, marketing partnerships, and distribution channels. To see what 48W can do for you visit www.48westagency.com.